Kali Linux 2 – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing 3rd Edition | Ebook

Ebook Kali Linux untuk penetration testing kembali hadir. Yuk disimak, ada hal baru apa untuk Ebook kali ini.
 - Gerard Johansen
 - Lee Allen
 - Tedi Heriyanto
 - Shakeel Ali
Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd
Year: 2016
Pages: 572
This updated volume of Kali Linux – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing presents a structured method for developing a skill set tailored to the unique nature of penetration testing. What follows is a systematic approach that takes the tools and techniques of penetration testing and combines it with a framework that addresses the tasks related to penetration testing.
Table of Content:
 - Chapter 1: Beginning with Kali Linux
 - Chapter 2: Penetration Testing Methodology
 - Chapter 3: Target Scoping
 - Chapter 4: Information Gathering
 - Chapter 5: Target Discovery
 - Chapter 6: Enumerating Target
 - Chapter 7: Vulnerability Mapping
 - Chapter 8: Social Engineering
 - Chapter 9: Target Exploitation
 - Chapter 10: Privilege Escalation
 - Chapter 11: Maintaining Access
 - Chapter 12: Wireless Penetration Testing 3
 - Chapter 13: Kali Nethunter
 - Chapter 14: Documentation and Reporting

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